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【UTAU】 SPICE! - Sasayaki Noonorü 【囁きノオノル】

The first song of Noonorü (It's pronounced No-oh-no-rü xD), He is Nunnorü genderbent. You can get his voice putting in The flag's box g+20, Hope you like it, but i think the song i chose wasn't good, it will leave you a bad impresion about him lol!Also, you can download the new Nunnorü's Voicebank 1.1 in her blog http://nunnorompuru.blogspot.com - Camila Melodía belongs to Yesi-chan, Celestine Aoi to BlueValkyrie, BLYTHE Anaka to Mae, And Siena Kotone to Cristy hope them don't kill me xDD;;;; sorry! ;A; *flee* (I feel like a pedo for putting Siena too, but it can't be helped, The squares had the colors i love most

投稿日:2009-10-04 02:27:52
PV:245  コメ:7  マイリス:2

UTAU 囁きノオノル SPICE!