

人気タグ⇒ 腹筋崩壊 音量注意 麻雀 韓国 例のアレ アニソン カラオケ ニコニコ動画講座 音ゲー 天海春香 

(UTAU) 永遠の雪-立派リカイ

Repost from Youtube: UST: oOMyChanOo Thank you for putting up the .ust ^^ I made a huge blank spot, becuase I was supposed to be putting something there. But it failed and I gave up on the idea XD I need to practice animating more. Rikai's voice is a lot deeper than Mero-Chan's XD; But I like how it came out ^^ Download UTAU 立派リカイ: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gfnnzbdm3wm

投稿日:2009-08-13 01:30:10
PV:82  コメ:5  マイリス:2

音楽 UTAU 立派リカイ 永遠の雪 UTAUカバー曲