ニコ生 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 プレイ動画 麻雀 ファミコン ニコニコカラオケDB mugen マリオ 春香 エロゲ
STOP! the american And westerner Who Attempting To Claim Our Anime & Cosplay
To get more informations, click
http://www.ASIAnime.org/what-is-anime/american-And-westerner-Insults-And-Lies-Over-Asians-Related-With-Asians-Creations-Of-Anime-&-Cosplay.htm This video are made to show some of the lies american and westerner keep saying about Asians. This one related with Asians creations of Anime & Cosplay that have becomes 2 of the world most biggest trend today. To any Japanese who read this message : Do not be friendly towards american or any other westerner you met because when you get friendly to them they will think you or Japanese like the terrible things [ robbery, racial rape, murder, many other crimes ] those american did to Japanese to this day. On other words those american or westerner will not have any respect for you or for Japanese and those american or westerner will keep on hurting Japanese. Japanese would have already been 3 times more advanced than today if those evil american not nuked and occupied Japan!
投稿日:2009-06-25 19:08:27
Asians Anime Cosplay J-Rock Visual-Kei