マインクラフト エンターテイメント ひぐらしのなく頃に ぬこ 声優 大神 弾いてみた レトロゲーム 作業用BGM 例のアレ
To All Western Cosplayers! Stop Ruining Our Anime Characters!
To get more information about Anime characters based on our Asians facial & body form then visit
http://www.ASIAnime.org/what-is-anime/ Not everything in this world are made or mean for anybody such as S size will not fit well on someone with M or L size or the other way around. The same with ANIME Cosplay will not fit or suit anyone who not have Asians facial and body form. We Asians only gave you westerner permission [ license ] to watch our Anime and never give you permission to Cosplay our Anime characters. Don't you westerner have any pride as the peoples who were born as westerner? STOP cosplaying OUR Anime characters because you westerner are insulting part of OUR ASIAN PRIDE the part where we Asians proud of our Asians facial & body form and causing harm to our Anime industry!
投稿日:2009-06-23 19:54:00
Asian Anime Cosplay Haruhi Suzumiya Miku Hatsune Vocaloid Chii Chobits