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テキサス親父 テキサスなどの州が独立した統治権を宣言してる

原題Texas and other states are declaring their sovereignty per our 10th Amendment多くの州で合衆国への不満が溜まってるようです。以下はテキサス親父のコメントの要約です。Could this be the first salvo to free the states of the oppressive federal government which continually ignores the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution? Many states have passed or have pending resolutions declaring their sovereignty and Texas is taking a strong stance with pending resolution HCR 50. Here is the ignored 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

投稿日:2009-05-08 14:44:24
PV:7282  コメ:226  マイリス:19

政治 テキサス親父 アメリカ崩壊 海外の反応シリーズ 第二次南北戦争 字幕職人様ありがとう アメリカ Nice.boushi