

人気タグ⇒ ボーダーブレイク外部出力 幻想入りシリーズ Ib 鏡音レン 実況プレイPart1リンク ニコ生 maimai動画 重音テト MAD プレイ動画 


正在做另一首歌的PV,先試做了戰鬥舞的基本步伐。使用歌曲是以前上傳過的Ubuntu好人歌(sm4471549)的商業進化版。For Japanese friends, my Japanese isn't good enough,so I give the special English translation as middle bridge. Help you to understand:Now I am making another song's PV. First I try to make the basic dance motion for Taiwanese "戦闘舞" (famous in Taiwan). The used song is what I have uploaded "Ubuntu好人歌"(sm4471549)'s comercial upgrading version. ps. 1.What's "戦闘舞"? Can check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM2830G5J_M&feature=relatedand this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC6vjmAas6k2. On internet, there is a 4-songs-mixing trailer on http://boingyon.blogspot.com/2008/11/blog-post_3186.html . The third song is the new version of "Ubuntu好人歌".The full version will be released near 2/14 Vocalholic 同人誌展售會 in Taipei.

投稿日:2009-02-10 23:56:30
PV:1173  コメ:22  マイリス:3

踊ってみた @BGM推奨 投稿者コメント 初音ミク MikuMikuDance 戦闘舞 ニコニコ国際交流 MGdesigner MMD海外組 『初音の拳』の人?