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World of Warcraft - Kil'Jaeden 世界初kill

World of Warcraft(TBC)の最終ボス Kil'jaeden the DeceiverSK-Gamingによる世界初kill(5/25)のムービーより抜粋台詞は以下の通りKalec: Anveena, I love you! Focus on my voice, come back for me now! Only you can cleanse the Sunwell! Anveena: Kalec...? Kalec? Kalec: Yes, Anveena! Let fate embrace you now! Anveena: The nightmare is over, the spell is broken! Goodbye, Kalec, my love! -この後-sacrificing herself to weaken Kil'jaedenKil'jaeden:Aggghh! The powers of the Sunwell... turn... against me!What have you done? What have you done??? Kalec: I have channeled all I can! The power is in your hands! Kalec: Strike now, heroes, while he is weakened! Vanquish the Deceiver!

投稿日:2008-06-05 19:37:06
PV:25542  コメ:507  マイリス:215

ゲーム 投稿者コメント Warcraft wow 25/11000000 World_of_Warcraft SK-Gaming MMORPG TBC The_Burning_Crusade