

人気タグ⇒ 声優 フリーゲーム 天海春香 ニコニコ歴史戦略ゲー クラシック maimai動画 作ってみた MMD パチスロ PSP 

Film declamation(3 early Russian films) trailer

A trailer for our recently released on-line video. Summary: In early Russian cinema there was an unique style of film projection called "cinema-declamations(kinodeklamatsii)". They were "in essence, numbers for the attraction,combining the cinema -primitive movies shot on film - with actor's performance of lines". This video contains 3 short films shot for "cinema-declamation" with newly recorded declamation. This "reconstruction" was done by Russian researcher Nikolai Izvolov and his collaborator Alexander Negreba:"The Husband in a Villa, or A Tragedian In Spite Of Himself"(based on one-act play by Chekhov, director:Alexander Arbo,1911)"Boris Godunov.A scene from the tragedy by A.S.Pushkin"(director:Unknown, performed by actors under the control of N.Pleskov, 1911 )"The Beautifil Lukanida, or the War of the Longicorns and the Stag-beetles" (Director: Wladyslaw Starewicz,1912) Direct link URL:http://necfru.jp/video?id=3899

投稿日:2015-02-03 09:04:08
PV:8  コメ:0  マイリス:0

エンターテイメント Russia silent film reconstructed VOD