ファイアーエムブレム ニコニコインディーズ VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 作業用BGM 出オチ ALL_PERFECT PS2 PSP PSP 弾いてみた
【Engloids + Yuki】We Are Young【VOCALOIDカバー曲】
The Vocaloids spend their Friday nights in a bar to relax and unwind. But something goes horribly wrong.I'm going back to school so I won't be active for a few months. I made this as a parting gift. :3Also I do have finished projects here, ready for release, but waiting for commissioned art to go with it. *ehem* chorva *ehem*.Credits:VSQ by meMMD Credits:MMD Bar by amiamy111MMD Bathroom Stage by amiamy111Oliver by sourxuanKaai Yuki by NakaoFinn's Golden Sword by simplegamer517YOHIOloid by Pokeluver223KIO Leon model edit by TotodileDashAppearance Miku by MamamaSweet Ann by YoiStylePrima by TwilightAnimeLifeBig AL and Tonio by Pikadude31451Gumi by Mamama and TOUKO-PIA and Rin by mqdlKeyboards by paperguitar.comMMD Guitar Collection by PrincessSushiCataxe by the horrible muipod by k-chan619.Wine Bottle by SodaCat17mic and stand: CrazedVampireGirlClara by DarkAngelAlhenaRyuto by Aoi TatsuikeAgain shoutout to Chorva.
投稿日:2015-02-02 17:39:07
VOCALOID VOCALOID洋楽カバー曲 We_Are_Young ジャネール・モネイ Janelle_Monáe MikuMikuDance 歌愛ユキ Oliver 海外組