カオス bms 自然 歴史 テイルズ ゆっくり実況プレイ 音MAD マインクラフト PSP ラジオ
[ハウルの動く城MMD] WAVE
I was SOOOO excited when I saw this model I just had to use him Howl is my all time favorite anime character cuz of personal reasons and I just LOVE this model he looks amazing so I decided to make a just as amazing video to suit him ^^ / The incredible thing is I found this stage by accident and it happend to have same color and pattern as his jacket XD if I were looking for it I wouldnt have found it but instead it found me...ahhhh the sweet smell of destiny ^^ / I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed working on it / CREDITS ARE AT THE END OF THE VIDEO / Watch it in HD on Youtube
http://youtu.be/ZVJaR_rCSv0 / mylist/48035833
投稿日:2015-01-25 22:09:12
アニメ MikuMikuDance ジブリ MMDジブリ ハウルの動く城 WAVE ハウル xXxPharaohxXx 野生のプロ MMD海外勢