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【English Vocaloid/Engloid(?) Ruby】Problem【Comparison with Ariana Grande】

I wanted to make a comparison audio (with Ariana Grande b/c Ruby's voice provider is still unrevealed) since no one else has yet, sorry if it sounds bad/timing's off - I'm not a mixer and I don't think a capellas of either version are out yet. First is Ruby, then Ariana, and then both with Ruby being in the left speaker and Ariana being in the right. (Also done in audacity so if the panning doesn't work, sorry, I'm sure there'll be better comparisons in the future when the full release/demo of hers comes out) Apparently there'll be a Vocaloid V4! (http://31.media.tumblr.com/c1134c0fd44fabac2f79e0d3fa60d289/tumblr_ne8frdeehw1tlm3yto1_1280.png) Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS1g8G_njx8 Ruby info: http://www.vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/topic/55772-ruby-new-female-english-vocaloid/

投稿日:2014-10-31 06:00:04
PV:384  コメ:2  マイリス:0

VOCALOID Engloid Ruby