STG 競馬 ボーダーブレイク 東方MMD 実況プレイ動画 対戦動画 MHF テスト 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 音ゲー
【蓮】 くぐつ (Mary's theme) 【オリジナル歌詞 ・英語で歌ってみた】
So, it's not a secret, that I love the game "Ib". And I love Mary, and I don't love when you don't love Mary. She's just a lonely child, anyways.So I decided to write the lyrics for Mary's theme - Puppet.I combined two off-vocals, the music box one and the violin version by Ashteritops, and the pic belongs to
http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=151740. So credits go to their owners, I own just my voice, my mixing and my lyrics.You can use these lyrics, if you want, just post a videoresponse if you'll sing them, but don't ask me for an off-vocal I combined, that was kinda hard ^^I want to remind you, that I'm not a native speaker, so there might be little mistakes in the lyrics. And yes, I was really crying closer to the end of the song.So, here you go~/16.11.2012/
投稿日:2014-07-28 03:14:37
歌ってみた Ib メアリー(Ib) 傀儡道化 BGM Ibアレンジ曲リンク もっと評価されるべき Ib_BGM