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【ダークソウル2】MAYHEM (Dark Souls II) PANDEMONIUM
So alot of you guys told me the white ring trolling as the butterfly was obvious, as they would see the message saying I invaded... How about being summoned to a world where there is a white already there... Or maybe a red wearing the white ring... Not so obvious as it seems....Had some great laughs with this one with Fro, ManPants and Skys in our Skype call whilst making this. Big thanks to those 3 for the help (Not so much Pants because he got impatient waiting for a summon and attacked me / Fro!)Check out Fro's channel for his video of this stuff (Link will be here as soon as his video is up)Finally, enjoy our finest ever trolling in a Souls game :DMore my videos in
http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkProjectMayhem/I'm the god of DS2.Comment and subscribe me
投稿日:2014-05-30 14:33:13
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