Minecraft ボカロカラオケDB 日記 三国志大戦3 作業用BGM ひぐらしのなく頃に MUGENストーリー ニコニコインディーズ ニコニコカラオケDB ゲーム実況
lolicide feat. 初音ミク 「RINKAKU」
Earlier this year I stumbled upon a piano arrangement of the Yume Nikki soundtrack and found the overall atmosphere very similar to a single by Dir en Grey which, coincidentally, was about dreams. The musical project began sometime late January and I had to shelve and revive this project several times. Eventually, I settled on giving Hatsune Miku vocal duties because Yume Nikki alone was niche enough, so using Vocaloid isn't much of a big deal for me. Of course there are language barriers, even with my knowledge of the Japanese language(taking it in high school), I figured it was safe to reuse some lyrics written by Dir en Grey, so this is partially an original, partially an arrangement, and partially a cover. Because of re-used lyrics and similar chord progressions, I'm using the original title.
投稿日:2013-10-25 05:55:09
VOCALOID ゆめにっき 初音ミク 海外PのVOCALOID Chiptune×VOCALOIDリンク VOCALOIDゲーム曲 輪郭