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Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:Custom_OMK_Beatrice_WIP_by_Borewood_2013-09-22edit Boomer's Battler to make a stand-alone Beatrice.To-do list: 1. complete the SND file 2. clean the SFF file 3. watch more OMK Beatrice YouTube videos to get to know what she can do during matches so that I can work on her A.I. (for now her A.I. is really crappy) 4. ask someone to help fix the Meta Super MUGEN slow down issue 5. bug fix/tweak whatever...... for MUGEN 1.0 only. (Custom_OMK_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480) (mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)

投稿日:2013-09-22 23:45:05
PV:717  コメ:14  マイリス:3

ゲーム MUGENキャラ作成 MUGENキャラ MUGEN Borewood Werewood ベアトリーチェ 黄金夢想曲