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Tim Eriksen - Gabriel's Trumpet [Seminar in Poland 2008]

Festival "Piesn Naszych Korzeni"(Song of Our Roots) at Jaroslaw, Poland, 19 August 2008  ティム・エリクセンは米国のシンガー、ソングライター、民俗音楽学者。 (YouTubeより、以下説明文引用) "Included in the remarkably diverse collection of songs in D.H. Mansfield's 'American Vocalist', 1848. This song is presumably from, or heavily influenced by, African American tradition, while others show the influence of the Shakers, Native American Christians, English parish church musicians, the first few generations of New England composers, the Hutchinson Family, secular collections like the American Musical Miscellany (Northampton, MA 1787) and the oral tradition so prominent in 19th century camp meetings and other social gatherings." (text borrowed from Tim Eriksen)  ※camp meeting:キリスト教の聖職者や礼拝環境が不足していた米国開拓期に始められた、野営形態での大規模な集会・礼拝。

投稿日:2013-06-18 01:23:34
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音楽 Tim_Eriksen トラッド フォーク バンジョー Banjo クロウハンマー奏法