

人気タグ⇒ ボカロオリジナルを歌ってみた bms 初音ミク ドラクエ ゲーム実況 Ib アイドルマスター2 テイルズ 自然 ミクオリジナル曲 

Super Ponybeat — Fly (Euro Flight Mix)

FLY (Euro Flight Mix)Music and Lyrics by T. Stebbins / Produced by Eurobeat Brony, Vocals by Odysseyhttp://odysseymusic.bandcamp.com/track/fly-euro-flight-mixI wanted to make a track about Gilda's take on the events after "Griffon the Brush-Off". This is the end-result! Some of you may recall that I mentioned that this may be a collaboration, sadly this is no longer the case— no intentions of ill will are meant towards the other party and I hope to revive such a project again with them in the near future.Artwork by Hootaloo (http://hootadoodle.tumblr.com/ ) and Sidnoea (http://sidnoea.tumblr.com/ ) !

投稿日:2013-06-03 12:37:16
PV:185  コメ:3  マイリス:9

音楽 T.Stebbins odyssey Gilda My_Little_Pony マイリトルポニー