

人気タグ⇒ 東方 AxisPowersヘタリア ゆっくり実況 音楽 ドラクエ 腹筋崩壊 重音テト 音楽 出オチ 戦国大戦 

【Hatsune Miku】Sorekara 【Original Song PV】

Hello, I'm a new vocaloid producer who is currently studying in the US.This is my first song written for Miku. Hope you like it:)Lyrics: 泓 (http://8925644.5sing.com/)Music: noVaTion (https://soundcloud.com/novation_music)Illustration: FKEY (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=27603633)Video: Ryuu (http://site.douban.com/Ryuuuuuuuuuuu/)Special thanks to Ryuu! This is also her first video work. She definitely fought very hard with her poor laptop :PP.S. Here is a link to my second miku song:sm18829958Thanks for watching!

投稿日:2013-04-13 13:48:37
PV:1109  コメ:35  マイリス:101

VOCALOID 初音ミク ミクオリジナル曲 海外PのVOCALOID VOCAR&B ききいるミクうた noVaTIon