

人気タグ⇒ 音MAD 弾いてみた もっと評価されるべき Ib ニコニコ動画講座 SFC ニコ生 マインクラフト その他 novelsm@ster 


I think I'm going to use pure English this time, because I don't know how to explain this complicate things I'm going to write in Japanese. so this is video is a parody of 『シュガー・ラッシュ』 or in English 『Wreck-it-Ralph』. most people don't understand my joke in this video, because they need to know at least 3 things in common : touhou, TF2, and the movie. so put that aside. I've another thing to present here, this video was made with SFM『Source Filmmaker』 and MMD as you can see Reimu wasn't really in SFM. I'm trying to use it together like my previous with gmod, but kinda too complicate and outcome still not what I expect it to be. I overdid this with diffusion from MMD the whole video look a bit dark. still I'll try to use it better for next video. oh and I make animation from MMM(mikumikumoving) it's a great tool. sorry for watermark. I don't like it too. マイリスト ⇒ mylist/28396020 HD ⇒ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkL8pU7t1QU

投稿日:2013-03-01 22:28:05
PV:1152  コメ:11  マイリス:12

東方 東方インターナショナル MMD海外組 東方分隊砦 東方MMD Source_Filmmaker TF2 Teamfortress2 MikuMikuDance