歌:Spring Shower (どこだ。。。) | モデル:rocoのエストニアとフィンランド | モーション: sm17249518| カメラモーション:mYverTI0N→http://bowlroll.net/up/dl12084 pass:desuyo | ステージ:none | MME:o_SSAO、WorkingFloorとAutoLuminous | I don't like them as a pairing, bus as friends, but they are very good together, ne ? | ごめん、でも、僕は日本人がありません、 ブラジル人ですよ〜| I uploaded the camera a time ago, but because of file too big (video) I had to re-record the video, and then re-render >A< Sorry for making you wait ! Enjoy~ Videos: mylist/36029156