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Super Ponybeat — Discord (EuroChaos Mix)

Song is available at http://odysseymusic.bandcamp.com/track/discord-eurochaos-mix-ft-odyssey for free (or name a price)!Discord didn't have a theme song in Season 2. So I made one for him. I tried to make this one reflective of his characteristic sense of humor and cunning, with a dash of villainy for good measure (and the fact that he's, well, a villain).Eurobeat-wise, it's much like late Time pieces (in fact, it borrows a great deal from "Speed Man" by Dave Simon), but jumps between a couple other genres in light of Discord's distaste for consistency. Which genres? You'll have to listen~ (or cheat by reading the tags, but where's the fun in that?)Album art by• kpenguin2x3 (here on Youtube) [ http://www.youtube.com/user/kpenguin2x3 ]• ObscureSmudge [ http://obscuresmudge.deviantart.com/art/Super-Ponybeat-Vol-2-Cover-261913089 ]

投稿日:2012-12-16 17:53:55
PV:1126  コメ:24  マイリス:25

音楽 マイリトルポニー My_Little_Pony Discord ディスコード Odyssey Ponybeat ユーロ先輩