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China Invades Japanese Senkaku Islands 【Gemki Fujii 藤井厳喜】

youtubeより転載http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taqsm7L9Q1I《Please spread this message to as many as possible!》Gemki Fujii (Analyst, International Relations)★More Infomation ⇒ Society For The Dissemination of Historical Facthttp://www.sdh-fact.com/index.html※ The Senkaku Islands Constitute an Intrinsic Part of Japan http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/79_S4.pdf※ The South China Sea's Gathering Storm : All of East Asia is waiting to see how the U.S. will respond to China's aggression. (By JAMES WEBB)http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444184704577587483914661256.html★ Gemki Fujii's Twitter http://twitter.com/GemkiFujiihttp://www.gemki-fujii.com/english/藤井厳喜先生関連→mylist/17705985

投稿日:2012-10-08 07:36:25
PV:722  コメ:45  マイリス:17

政治 GemkiFujii 藤井厳喜 Senkaku 尖閣諸島 英語スピーチ 中国 魚釣島 領土問題 沖縄