

人気タグ⇒ 幻想入りシリーズ その他 投稿者コメント AxisPowersヘタリア CoD:BO2 レトロゲーム ひぐらしのなく頃に 戦場の絆 @BGM推奨 


「平沢感覚」とは。。It was a big project but after Kon Satoshi passed away, I never finished it..But I am still going to translate the idea and story in Japanese someday.I draw it entirely by myself; maybe I should continue the animation.(Plan was 6 episodes 30min each; starring were: Hirasawa-sensei as protagonist, Kon Satoshi as paradox Sato-ken, Terayama Shuji as antagonist "Sim", me(平ら) as nameless female protagonist; also guest appearance Michio Kaku as Lab0 mad scientist)(Please excuse my 日本語 mistakes, I was still learning; そして日本語でコメントを書いてください^w^)!! Everything (C)their respective owners & 平沢進、Chaos Union、Pーモデル、TESLAKITE etc.!!high-qualityビデオDLはこちら→ http://www.4shared.com/zip/JrR4qrO7/TSP2032OPsrmDEMO_2.html 【系夜】collection|私の旧式ビデオReBoot ups 2006-2012】

投稿日:2012-08-01 10:24:27
PV:880  コメ:26  マイリス:8

アニメ スペシャル 平沢進 Taira2032 presentation 今敏 亜種音TV 海外MAD P-MODEL 海外の馬骨