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Reveille - Look At Me Now
lyrics: he can't avoid conflict- he's lost cuz he's incomplete he's in between, somewhere in between, in between the sleepless shadows battling to break the love that's 'guaranteed to make you bleed thicker than blood' he don't want it, but craves what he can't escape he's staring straight through his fate and now he's face to face you wanna fall down, well this could make your dreams come true because the devil was an angel too look at me now, making the same mistakes i said i'd never make again- but now i'm back in the same place look at me now, somebody stole my soul- i feel the breaks go and i'm spinning out of control come step into a brave new world- not even worth it decent comes quick and now he's anything but perfect and still he worships that fundamental bullshit talk'the path you carve yourself is the path to walk' now walk alone- play it to the bone don't make it right just because he got his sickness from that venomous bite we wanna fall down,..
投稿日:2012-07-21 04:55:05
音楽 Reveille Look_At_Me_Now Anonymous アノニマス