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海外のNHK映像から取ってるようなんですが、津波が去った後家々が水に浸かっている映像とかあまり日本で流れてないような。『Tsunami japan 2011 eartquake 8.9 complete footage (7 minutes) .avi 』http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo0Tx55rwek「Japan March 11, 2011, the day the tsunami accompanied the earthquake which struck the country in a video japanese. japanese tsunami that occurred on this day 11 March 2011, we can see how powerful the overflow of flood and earthquake magnitude 8.8 Richter scale, in addition to these videos we can see live broadcast from reuters how kedasayatan tsunami and earthquake in japan this meters. Elsewhere, the height of the tsunami was reported as high as 10 meters」

投稿日:2012-07-17 18:43:23
PV:4715  コメ:36  マイリス:21

自然 東日本大震災 津波 東北地方太平洋沖地震 海外の反応シリーズ 宮城王‘