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【V3オリジナル曲】 『World of Light』 【巡音ルカとClara】

So many things to say this time... well, first one, I KNOW the picture looks like came out from Panty & Stocking, but not xD it has been edited of the original and nice picture of SantaiIvy of Clara and Luka respectively in order to look like GG characters. Second one, I KNOW it looks like my last song, Charmed behind the Gemini Masks, but again, this is not a series. It's just a coincidence (?). Third one, this time I'm really satisfied with the result of this kinda House song, so here you have it, exclusively~ |Main arrange: HorizonsP | Picture: Ruski (from SantaiIvy image) | Vocals: Clara (v3), Luka (v3) | Lyrics: Tinker91 ---MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?cgvle6bk2qy2w8k || Vsq/x: http://www.mediafire.com/?2288d3wywe8lvni (unfinished!)|| Off Vocal: http://www.mediafire.com/?hy7cmtisj1be2l1---

投稿日:2012-06-10 09:38:49
PV:721  コメ:20  マイリス:32

VOCALOID 巡音ルカ 英語ルカ VOCALOID新曲リンク CLARAオリジナル曲 VOCALOID3 海外PのVOCALOID ミクノポップ ルカオリジナル曲 ヘッドホン推奨