縛りプレイ サムネホイホイ 衝撃のラスト 零 ニコニコ歴史戦略ゲー EXVS パワプロ 重音テト 鏡音レン アイドルマスター2
RPGツクールVX: ラルフ vs. クタ (英語)
RPGツクールVX: ラルフ vs. リチャード ・クタRPG Maker VX: Ralph vs. Richard Kuta a.k.a. Sonmanic a.k.a. AknotholeresidentA guy used RPG Maker VX to make a game where you fight against Kuta.Originally titled "RPG Maker VX: Ralph Vs. Kuta(Aknotholeresident)" - Uploaded on YouTube by someshyguyThis game has references to:* Kuta blaming other people for his own actions* Kuta's obsession with Sonic the Hedgehog games (he is a Sonic otaku!) - He wishes Sonic games were still targeted at him, even though he is now 30 years of age* Kuta not crediting artists who worked for him* Kuta taking donation money for his fan film and not using it properly* Kuta spending 300 dollars to pay an animation studio in Argentina to make sub-par animation* Kuta's diaper fetish
投稿日:2012-06-09 12:44:08
ゲーム RPGツクール ロールプレーイングゲーム おむつ ロールプレイングゲーム RPGツクールVX RPG