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[UTAU] Mermaid マーメイド[Kehaito Asuka]

ust: nmasao1Original: GUMIKehaito Asuka (c) meart/video (c) me============Few, got that out of my system. So here was the deal. I had homework that I finally got done but there was this feeling inside my stomach that I had to finish a video. I chose Mermaid because its a freaking awesome cute song. I didn't really know what to do with the picture so I did a colorful background instead of the solid ones like all the others I had seen. I made Asuka her own dress thing too with starts, yay!

投稿日:2012-06-03 10:59:06
PV:37  コメ:0  マイリス:0

音楽 UTAU Mermaid あすか kehaito Asuka_kehaito