

人気タグ⇒ ニコニコ技術部 ガンダム ひぐらしのなく頃に 洋楽 MMD カラオケ 幻想入りシリーズ 神回 VOCALOID PSP 


English Only: First tegaki MAD I'm submitting here, hopefully will submit more. Originally uploaded on youtube, reuploading here with a few minor changes. Music and track edits, video and the drawings are all done by me. Based on the digimon drama cd- Natsu e no tobira. The Nat-chan inside the video is how I imagined her to look like, not official. Hope you enjoy:)

投稿日:2012-05-26 01:13:05
PV:442  コメ:10  マイリス:17

アニメ デジモン 夏への扉 デジモンアドベンチャー02 本宮大輔 手描きデジモン