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キャシャーンSins - Marmalade

A few days ago while cleaning my house with Gackt, listening to one of their most tender songs, Casshern imagined moving to the beat while listening with headphones n_nU (imagine that these are the helmet ears are headphones ... lol)It took me two nights (more than 2 hours a night) to realize what I had imagined ... n_nIt is somewhat monotonous movement and it seems simple to do this ... But will it costs to do something like this ...At least, the result has left me and was quite happy as I imagined ...Hope you like!

投稿日:2012-05-24 18:22:47
PV:83  コメ:0  マイリス:0

アニメ キャシャーンSins Marmalade Gackt