GUMI ボーダーブレイク 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 アトラス R-18 歴史 KAITO 東方MMD マリオ アトラス
Beautiful World T2T feat. Alisa
17 years old, the songstress, Alisa sings and prays for all the people wish for world peace.
http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/beautiful-world-remixes/id493718997(Original version plus 4 other versions are now available on Apple i Tunes music store.)I have originally wrote the song, "Beautiful World" the end of 2001. None of us could forget the year of the 9/11. Last year, "The Tohoku earthquake" occurred. I have been suffering much since then. And I decided to remake the song, "Beautiful World". It was only the thing I could do.At that time, I met a girl named Alisa, aged 17. I was impressed with her deep voice heard by chance. Her beautiful singing has been blowing a new life into the song."Beautiful World" is a song of hope and courage. I believe that they are most important for us now.~ Tak_M (T2T) Jan. 2012 〜
投稿日:2012-04-06 22:39:25
音楽 beautiful world alisa T2T