

人気タグ⇒ 動物 ニコニコカラオケDB ピアノ ぬこぬこ動画 ボカロカラオケDB CM VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 プレイ動画 格闘ゲーム 描いてみた 

Anime characters are Asian characters : Only Asians can Cosplay Asian characters

Click www.antiwc.net/group if you want to join the anti western cosplayers movement against the racist western cosplayers who are not only racist towards us Asians but who also ruin our Anime characters which hurt millions of our Anime fans.There are many retarded racist western cosplayers who claims some of our Anime characters we Asians made to be based on them or to be based on their western race facial & body form by basing their claims on our Anime characters hair colors, eyes colors, names and especially on our Anime story settings, their claims also including on claiming that only them who can Cosplay and only them who can succeed on cosplaying our Anime characters which they claimed to be based on them. They stupidly did those claims because the Anime characters we Asians made are never mean for those retarded racist western cosplayers to Cosplay which proven by how they always fail on cosplaying our Anime characters.

投稿日:2012-04-06 11:38:41
PV:53  コメ:1  マイリス:1

アニメ Only Asian Can Cosplay のみ アジアの  コスプレ Kuroshitsuji