ニコニコカラオケDB ピアノ 実況プレイ 字幕プレイ動画 マインクラフト 初音ミク PSP ギター 三国志 猫
【Akemi x Len】 Perfect Crime 【歌ってみた】
► 代理うp主のだんご花です! Written, Composed, Arranged by samfree; Originally sung by Len Kagamine & Luka Megurine; Mixing: Len; Art: Akemi; Video: Cherri; Vocals: Akemi & Len。 Lenさんのコメント:It's something like...Happy very belated Valentine! I'm very happy that we did another duet with my dear Akemi. Btw this time we decided not to go with Vocaloid pics but to make art according to our real appearance. You should definitely check Akemi's gallery!
http://minty247.deviantart.com/。 Akemiさんのコメント:It's always such a pleasure to duet with my Len kyun ;///v///; he's got such an amazingly strong voice!! it's also my first time drawing more than one piece of art for a PV so I'm pretty nervous aha ;D but I really loved how this duet turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy listening to it as much as we did creating it。
投稿日:2012-03-09 22:05:49
歌ってみた Len Akemi Perfect Crime Perfect_Crime 海外から歌ってみた Len(歌い手)