

人気タグ⇒ ファイナルファンタジー 衝撃のラスト K-POP アニメ 重音テト これはひどい マリオ カラオケ Ib もっと評価されるべき 

( Kaito) RIP=RELEASE Ver. English

not eating meat for lent is driving me nuts and causing me to lose sleep so in the past 24 hours i've been editing the vsq from AyuRox1, fixing up the phonetics to force kaito to sing. in anycase it probably needs some fine tuning and messing with the voice configuration to get it right, but i'm in no condition to do so since i havent slept in nearly 48 hours. not sleepy yet but i'm having crazy thoughts and keep imagining muffins in the corner of my eyes.right... i got bored and doodled in opencanvas so thats what the video is of... hahaha animating in opencanvas makes me angry... in anycase atleast i did draw kaito in the video so thats good nuff right?i think this is pretty good for wasting 24 hours of effort. SOURCESLyrics: Rockleetistvsq: AyuRox1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUBCqrfAoE4Vsq Edits By: Antaresnot sure what else to put under sourcesright... Vsq was editted by me...i'll fix this post later... maybe....

投稿日:2012-03-08 18:00:13
PV:90  コメ:0  マイリス:2

音楽 Kaito English Vocaloid opencanvas 海外PのVOCALOID VOCALOID→VOCALOIDカバー