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【Rian x Len】 嗚呼、素晴らしきニャン生 【ロシア語で歌ってみた】

► 代理うp主のだんご花です!  Music & Lyrics: Nem; Art & PV: Tama; Russian adaptation: Len & Polka; Vocals by Rian and Len。  Lenさんのコメント:Omg, it was very funny to sing that song in Russian =w= Though the theme is rather sad - the stray cat and the aristo-one ;w; *sob sob* Anyways, Polka forced me to sing "nyannyannyan" in Russian, she has beaten me and... - ah, don't listen to me XD I'm glad that we did this duet with Rian ^^ She's has a pretty and clear voice and it was easy to mix ^^

投稿日:2011-12-12 20:28:03
PV:271  コメ:14  マイリス:11

歌ってみた Len 嗚呼、素晴らしきニャン生 ロシア語 Rian 海外から歌ってみた 何故伸びない