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CP_M-86 on AMSTRAD PC 1512
# Youtubeより転載# ttp://www.amstrad.com/#CP/M-86 Operating system on AMSTRAD PC 1512Booting DR-DOS 7_1_7#PXE booting DR-DOS 7.1.7 in a VM From theDR-DOS/OpenDOS enhancement projectBooting CP_M-86 v1_1Booting CP/M 86 v1.1 in a VM from a physical 720k floppy disk. I can download via PXE but after the initial boot PXE always hangs. This disk is complete with PIP and retains the original CP/M user groups.There is also a project for Open DR-DOS although this is more of a MS-DOS clone than CP/M. I have also been unable to boot a VM via a floppy image although PXE will boot Ok using memdisk. VMs seem very fussy about the floppy format.BeOS video demo 300Mhz dual PIIMobo:Tyan Thunder 2 512mb ramYamaha OPL3 SA2 ISA sound ATI Rage Pro Turbo AGP 2x3com ethernet -- ICS with windows ala dialup :-(
投稿日:2011-12-11 02:29:51
PC OS CP/M Amstrad アムストラッド 転載 コンピュータ 科学 レトロPC