

人気タグ⇒ ボーダーブレイク 縛りプレイ ブレイブルー ALL_PERFECT 旅行 KAITO 音楽 @BGM推奨 RPG テイルズ 

[UTAU] Counterclockwise [Kehaito Asuka]

holy hanna! its done! well I mean the song part. The picture was done by the lovely Flyingnekocupcakes15 on devinatart! I love love love love this song and I enjoyed having Asuka sing it! I haven't been making cover because I've been SO busy and once I get over a few things then I will start getting down to work. I feel bad when I make too many promises that I can't fulfill gee-dang-it! but thank you guys for being so patient :D!!!

投稿日:2011-11-27 03:19:14
PV:30  コメ:0  マイリス:1

音楽 UTAU Asuka_kehaito