

人気タグ⇒ MMD 戦国大戦 作ってみた ギター R-18 バトレボ 大神 戦場の絆 utau サッカー 

Chain Girl - Speedy Torane [UTAU]

Credits:The credits for the song, PV and drawings are in the video, so pay attention to them.If you know who made the UST, please tell me, so I can add the credits here, because that person did an amazing job on it.Also, this video was originally uploaded by Moetron-Subs (this version, with the subtitles on). They take all the credits for the subtitles, and they are superb. The original video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmskOZ5E3sPlease pay them a visit. They are great.I own Speedy's voice only. If you want his VCV VB, please download it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1XA3RRM7

投稿日:2011-07-15 08:30:45
PV:70  コメ:0  マイリス:1

speedy torane utau chain girl 連続音 虎音スピーディ UTAU海外組