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虹色戦隊☆ゲインボウ:Gainbow-Warriors of the Rainbow

ストロベリーレッド役で出演させてもらいましたTORAです。また後ほど詳細を記述いたします。時は平成、ところは天神橋筋六丁目界隈-今日もあたし達は、シルバーアンドゴールドのイケメン狩りに借り出される女子七人組の苦悩の日々は続く。。。========================================­­======Gaynbow- Warriors of the Rainbowis a short movie about a motley crew of colorful individuals who have two duties:to shine the seven colors of the rainbow, and to follow their leader, Silver & Gold, in all of her fabulous gay escapades.The idea of the movie is to prove that the adults,who are in their 30s or older can enjoy their lives in different ways from the ones of the younger generation.The movie is COMING SOON!!!This is only the beginning of our activity.Check the video and you will become one of us!We are sure that everyday shines like rainbow!!!

投稿日:2010-12-29 07:48:14
PV:660  コメ:177  マイリス:19

エンターテイメント これは評価されるべき ゲイ 生主 TORA ゲインボウ 天神橋筋六丁目