スポーツ 実況プレイPart1リンク 青鬼 ぬこぬこ動画 三国志大戦3 韓国 ロックマン カオス ファイアーエムブレム 鉄道
Flying Lotus - Let it Go
Watch in HD!This is my first foray into the magical world of Milkdrop, a place where music and mathematics hop in a blender and produce an art smoothie. This is obviously a WIP, and you can probably notice that there is very little that actually reacts to the music. This was more an experiment in using the per-frame equations system, and just making something that looks cool. Note that the preset won't change; I just wanted to leave the whole song.The song is "Let it Go" by the Flying Lotus, off of the album "IIOIO". Check him out because he's a superballer.And yeah, I know that there's a little sound hitch in the beginning; I should have crossfaded in.
投稿日:2010-10-30 22:03:10
音楽 FlyingLotus Milkdrop electronica Physics