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【UTAU】torinoko city トリノコシティ 【Rhythm Tsuki 】

Ust; UtauReni thank youpic by meI do not own this video here is Rhythm singing Torinoko CityI used the new fresamp but I can't tell the diffrence XDright ? or can you tell the diffrence in her voice because I can't tell really I know the timing is a bit offbut anyway hope you like it!When you comment please do it in english Rhythm Tsuki Vc → http://www.mediafire.com/?b0mtvgmoomz this is also on youtube → http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JET_sJELkiM

投稿日:2010-09-25 10:06:46
PV:294  コメ:14  マイリス:3

VOCALOID 投稿者コメント VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 月りづむ UTAU トリノコシティ UTAU海外組 UTAU音源配布所リンク