声優 歴史 ゆっくり実況 アトラス AxisPowersヘタリア 対戦動画 実況プレイ動画 その他 PSP 科学
【ALT】東京BABYLON 1999 『ヘミソフィア』 OP
mylist/20205653 Song: 'Hemisphere' by Sakamoto Maaya. AVAILABLE IN BETTER QUALITY ON YOUTUBE. Another attempt of mine to make an opening in a Mad Movie style for an immaginary TB series that would cover both TB & X... This one finally manages to squeeze in all the angels and seals as well as some secondary characters and pictures of Kekkai and important places (gold star to who can recognize them all) so maybe, more than a TB 1999 Op it's just an X one... even though Subaru has a bigger role in it... I really wish I knew how to use Vegas better because really, this could have turned much better if only I were to know how to use effects properly... *hides* I've been told MAD Movie designates video done solely by Japanese so I labelled this simply an Alternate Theme...
投稿日:2010-07-24 09:31:38
東京バビロン 東京BABYLON CLAMP Ⅹ-エックス- 東京BABYLON1999 ニコニコ国際交流