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英語で歌ってみた Just Be Friends 【wakafallen06】

Comments in English would be appreciated, but you can comment in any language you want.(英語でコメントいただければ幸いですが、あなたが望む任意の言語でコメントすることができます。)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXMDzmBFO1Q&fmt=35 sm7528841mp3: http://www.4shared.com/audio/EsSJEqVc/Just_be_Friends__ENG_-_waka_ve.htmlWheee~ my mike revived for just a weeny bit, and i couldn't pass up this chance. ahahaha... u can see my scary ghost face here... seriously; I didnt know the light was going to turn my face into something out of the Ring ;;;oh well. hope you enjoy this =)PS: One thing I love abt vocaloid songs?There's so much room for randomness (lol) you can basically ad-lib your way through the whole song..... well, if you're up for it.PPS: plus, there's no copyright involved... ㅇㅂㅇmylist/20195963

投稿日:2010-07-23 16:20:05
PV:2479  コメ:90  マイリス:27

歌ってみた wakafallen06 つんでれんこ